norikura’s diary

ocn さんの blog Cafe から越して来ました。どうぞよろしく!


1 R.シュトラウス2枚

2 「アルプス交響曲」は、ズービン・メータ(指揮)/ロス・フィル。ロンドン。

3 「ツァラツゥストラはかく語りき、ティル・オイゲンシュピーゲルの愉快ないたずら、ドン・ファン、7つのヴェールの踊り」は、カラヤン(指揮)/ベルリン・フィル

4 画像は、”Christianity”(Oxford)・”世界の鳥類百科”(ハンザック、岩崎書店)から。


5 From ”Catechism of the Catholic Church”(Ignatius Press:p.470)前回と同じ箇所。

6 (1936)

”On coming into the world,man is not equipped with everything he needs for developing his bodily and spiritual life.He needs others.Differences appear tied to age,physical abilities,intellectual or moral aptitudes,the benefits derived from social commerce,and the distribution of wealth.The ”talents” are not distributed equally.”


7  From ”The companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church”(Ignatius Press:p.696-698)(2)真ん中1/3。

8 (Matthew 25:14-30)

”And he who had received the five talents came forward,bringing five talents more,saying,”Master,you delivered to me five talents;here I have made five talents more.”His master said to him,”Well done,good and faithful servant;you have been faithful over a little,I will set you over much;enter into the joy of your master.”And he also who had the two talents came forward,saying,”Master,you delivered to me two talents;here I have made two talents more.”His master said to him,”Well done,good and faithful servant;you have been faithful over a little,I will set you over much;enter into joy of your master.””

 「現代英語文法」の”大学編””コミュニケーション編”(S.グリーンバウム他/J.リーチ他:紀伊国屋書店)の2冊。加えて、「英文法汎論」(細江逸記:篠崎書林)。忙しいので、小さく”過去完了”について。「”コミュニケーション編/第部 実用の場の文法”を縦糸・他2つを横糸」に読むのが適当か。

10 ”コミュニケーション編/第部 実用の場の文法”


・The house had been empty for several months(when I bought it).

・The goalkeeper had injured his leg,and couldn’t play.

・They told me that {the parcel had arrived on April 15th./the parcel had already arrived.}

・{After/When} the teacher {left/had left} the room,the children started talking.

11 ”コミュニケーション編/第四部 文法事項のまとめ”

★882(”動詞句”-”時制と相”)(GCE 3.10-15,3.23-42参照)

・He always writes long letters.

・He is writing one now to his wife.

・Nowadays long letters are rarely written by hand.

・The letter is just being written.


12 ”大学編”


・They had moved into the house before the baby was born.

・They moved into the house before the baby was born.

・I had wondered whether you are/were free now. 

・If I had been there,it would not have happened.



・When I first came up to London,I had rooms in Montague Street.-Doyle

・Whenever,on the other hand,cousel for the defence came to a week place,the countenance of the Jew became brighter.-Florence Warden.

・The moment they saw us,they came ravaging and leaping at the bars as angry wave leaps against a rock.-H.R.Haggard.

・The minute Abel Flecher appeared,John seems to lose all his boyish fun.-Miss Mulock.

14 ”山里に狐眠りて蝉の声”



15 降誕節12月26日”聖ステファノ殉教者”福音朗読より。マタイによる第10章から。

16 ”「彼らや異邦人に証しをすることになる。引き渡されたときは、何をどう言おうかと心配してはならない。そのときには、言うべきことは教えられる。実は、話すのはあなたがたではなく、あなたがたの中で語ってくださる、父の霊である。・・・最後まで耐え忍ぶ者は救われる。」”

17 彼(ステファノ)は恐れることなく救いの御業について語る。「彼は聖霊に満たされていた」


