norikura’s diary

ocn さんの blog Cafe から越して来ました。どうぞよろしく!


1 「バッハ/無伴奏チェロ組曲第1・3・5番」は、パブロ・カザルス。”名演奏家の時代”(ソニー)。

2 「ベートーヴェン/チェロ・ソナタ第2・5・(ホルン・ソナタ)」は、同じくパブロ・カザルス。フィリップス。

3 画像は、”Christianity”(Oxford)・”オーデュボンソサエティ動物百科”(北隆館)から。


4 ”Catechism of the Catholic Church”(Ignatius Press:p.469)今、読んでるところ。

5 ”(1930)

Respect for the human person entails respect for the rights that flow from his dignity as a creature.These rights are prior to social and must be recognized by it.They are the basis of the moral legitimacy of every authority:by flouting them,or refusing to recognize them in its positive legislation,a society undermines its own moral legitimacy.If it does not respect them,authority can rely only on force or violence to obtain obedience from its subjects.It is the Curch’s role to remind men of good will of these rights and to distinguish them from unwarranted or false claims.


6  ”The companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church”(Ignatius Press:p.1916)

7 ”(1930:Pacem in terris 65)

The common good requires that civil authorities maintain a careful balance between coordinating and protecting the rights of the citizens,on the one hand,and promoting them,on the other.It should not happen that certain individuals or social groups derive special advantage from the fact that their rights obstacles to their full expression and free use. For this principle must always be retained:that State actitity in the economic field,no matter what its breadth or depth may be,ought not to be exercised in such a way as to curtail an individual’s freedom of personal initiative.Rather it should work to expand that freedom as much as possible by the effective protection of the essential personal rights of each and every individual.


8 「現代英語文法」の”大学編””コミュニケーション編”(紀伊国屋書店)から、助動詞と”no matter what~”仮定法。

9 (大学編)(3.11-3.18)

・She may do it.  

・She may not do it.


・They do not dare ask for me.

・Do they dare ask for more?


・If she {tried/were to try} harder next time,she would pass the examination.

・If they were alive,they would be moving around.

・Whether she be right or wrong,she will have my unswerving support.

・Though he be the President himself,he shall hear us.

10 (コミュニケーション編)(497-503)

・I am not working today.

・Can I help?

・All you need to do is ~

・We did not dare speak.


・I’m glad that John has agreed.

・I wish that John had agreed.

・He looks as if he’s ill.

・Has the race been postponed?

I think so.

I suppose so.

  It seems so.

  Apparently so.

  I don’t think so.

11 「大学編」と「コミュニケーション編」の文法書としての読み比べは面白い。縦糸と横糸。是非、買って愉しんでいただければと思います。機会があったら愉しさの紹介もしたいと思います。今のところ、ただ「カテキズム」の「コンパニオン」読み比べに匹敵する!とだけ。

12 昨晩/今朝と「角川短歌・俳句12月号」他読むで終わる。昼祈る。



13 12月19日福音朗読より。ルカによる第1章から。英語で。

14 ”He stayed at the Temple until his term of service was over,and then he returned home.Soon afterward his wife,Elizabeth,became pregnant and went into the seclusion for five months.”How kind the Lord is!”she exclaimed.”He has taken away my disgrace of having no children!”


